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Country Report
An Oasis Of Calm
COUNTRY REPORT: KUWAIT By Gordon Platt Kuwait has been largely unaffected by the winds of change sweeping through the Middle East and North Africa. In the 50 years since Britain ended its protectorate and Kuwait became an ...

Asia’s Banks On The Fast Track
FOCUS: INVESTMENT BANKING IN ASIA By Michael Shari Asia’s big banks are elbowing out their Western rivals as demand for financial services skyrockets in the region—and beyond. One of the great ironies lost in the panic of ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets
Blowing Up
COVER STORY: EMERGING MARKETS INFLATION By Laurence Neville Emerging markets have been credited with saving the world’s economy from catastrophe with their resilient exports. Now they’re exporting a different product that threatens to stop the global recovery in ...

Editor's Letter
Commodities And Inflation
Commodity prices seem to increasingly influence the world economy—both on the producer and consumer side—and the financial markets...

Emerging & Frontier Markets
Company To Watch: Cencosud/Chile
LATIN AMERICAN RETAILER PLANS $2 BILLION SHOPPING SPREE By Gordon Platt Santiago, Chile–based Cencosud, the largest retailer in Chile by sales and the third biggest in Latin America, plans to issue up to $2 billion of new shares ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance
Debt: High-Yield Market Calm Amid Storm
CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: CORPORATE DEBT By Gordon Platt High-yield bonds remained remarkably stable during the sell-off in global equity markets and the increase in global market volatility last month, but future gains in the prices of these below-investment-grade ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets
DR News: Networking Craze Pays Off For China’s Facebook Clone
EMERGING MARKETS INVESTOR: DR NEWS By Gordon Platt China-based Renren, a copycat of Facebook, became the first social networking site anywhere to be listed on an exchange, with a solid debut on the New York Stock Exchange last ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance
DRs: Sovereign Funds Boost Glencore
CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS By Gordon Platt Switzerland-based Glencore International, a commodities trading and mining company, could have timed its initial public offering better. Amid the steepest decline in commodity markets in years, Glencore was looking ...

Country Report
Early Days
COUNTRY REPORT: EGYPT By Justin Keay Egypt is still in the very early stages of transition, but if it can establish political stability, its economy should grow strongly over the coming years. If confidence really is the ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets
EM News: Indonesia Draws Nearer To Investment Grade
EMERGING MARKETS INVESTOR: NEWS By Gordon Platt Indonesia’s stock market was expected to take a breather this year, after being one of the star performers of 2010, with an advance of 46%. Instead, the benchmark Jakarta Composite ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets
Emerging Markets Roundup: China
TRADE SURPLUS GROWS SHARPLY By Thomas Clouse China’s trade surplus jumped to $11.4 billion in April, after the country posted its first quarterly deficit in seven years in the first three months of the year. China moves ...