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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Russia: Playing Catch-Up To Fellow BRICs

MILESTONES: RUSSIA By Laurence Neville Russia spent much of 2010 in the doldrums. Russia: Poised for significant growth While its fellow BRICs—Brazil, India and China—stormed ahead, Russia lagged behind. The causes of its lethargy were varied, but ...


Sector Report: Islamic Finance

ISLAMIC FINANCE: ISLAMIC BANKING BY THE BOOK By Anita Hawser The growing popularity of Islamic financing and an intensified focus on risk management in the global banking industry are prompting greater awareness of the need for a ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Singapore: The Cost Of Record Growth

MILESTONES: SINGAPORE By Thomas Clouse After a year in which its economy expanded at the fastest rate since it achieved independence in 1965, Singapore may be about to suffer a hangover. Too hot? Singapore aims for sustainable ...


Southern Sudan: World’s Newest Nation

NEWSMAKERS: SOUTHERN SUDAN By Justin Keay Sudan, the largest country in Africa and the Arab World—and the tenth largest in the world—is about to get a good deal smaller. Bold move: Voters decide Southern Sudan's future Preliminary ...

Editor's Letter

Tread Lightly

There is no question that the newly emerging marketsoften dubbed the frontier marketspresent Western firms with mouthwatering opportunities...


Update: Custody and Investor Services

CUSTODY & INVESTOR SERVICES: IN SAFE HANDS By Anita Hawser Custodians have seen their role expand as a result of recent regulatory and market-driven changes. In the wake of Lehman's collapse, Bernie Madoff's $50 billion Ponzi ...


US: Treasurers Oppose Tighter Rules On MMFs

NEWSMAKERS: UNITED STATES By Anita Hawser Proprietary trading by banks and OTC derivatives has come under increased regulatory scrutiny following the 2008 subprime crisis, but, to the surprise of many, regulators are also fixing their gaze on money ...

Editor's Letter

An Eerie Sense Of Déjà Vu

In our cover story this month we take a sobering look at the prospects for the year ahead, and what we find is eerily familiar...

Award Winners

Biggest Emerging Market Banks 2010

ANNUAL SURVEY: EM 200 By Dan Keeler Regional powerhouses in Asia and Latin America continue to build their presence as their markets recover strongly from the global recession. While much of the developed world continues to wrestle ...