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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets Focus: Middle East

COVER STORY: INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT SUSTAINS GROWTH By Gordon Platt High oil prices are keeping government spending flowing strongly into major projects, while debt-laden Dubai has taken a turn for the better. Dubai’s world-class infrastructure gave the emirate’s ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets Focus: Rising Stars

COVER STORY: EMERGING MARKETS FOCUS 2010 By Gordon Platt After an impressive 2010, the coming year looks likely to bring more good news for most emerging markets. Emerging markets are giving capital controls a good name. Long ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Fed Injects $600Bn, Feeds Bond Rally

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: CORPORATE DEBT By Gordon Platt The bond market rally was given a new lease on life last month when the Federal Reserve announced it would buy $600 billion of US treasuries—and maybe more, if necessary—by ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Fed Pulls Rug Out From Under Dollar

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: FOREIGN EXCHANGE By Gordon Platt Although the Federal Reserve's main focus is not the dollar, which is the purview of the US Treasury Department, it had to know that its $600 billion asset- purchase plan ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Ford’s Turkish Van Drives Into US Market

COMPANY TO WATCH: FORD OTOSAN/TURKEY By Gordon Platt Ford Otosan, a joint venture between Ford Motor of the US and Koç Group, a leading industrial conglomerate based in Turkey, exports its products to more than 60 countries. Soon ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Frontier Markets Index Tracks New Asset Class

EMERGING MARKETS INVESTOR: NEWS By Gordon Platt Russell Investments, based in Washington state, introduced a new index, the Russell Frontier Index, that initially includes 683 stocks from 41 countries, none of which are included in the firm's emerging-markets ...

Editor's Letter

Gee Whizz

Last month's G20 meeting in Seoul may well have been the most-hyped gathering of global leaders in recent years...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Global IPO Pipeline Filling Up Quickly

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: GLOBAL EQUITY/ DRS By Gordon Platt Companies based in China and India dominated global initial public offerings in the first three quarters of 2010, and now the US is getting ready to join the new-equity ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Global: Basel III Debate Over Trade Finance

NEWSMAKERS: GLOBAL By Anita Hawser Nivison: Trade is different When the new Basel III capital adequacy proposals were announced back in the summer, some members of the banking community breathed a sigh of relief as the timeline for ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Global: G20’s Mantra Covers Big Differences

MILESTONES: GLOBAL By Gordon Platt Comic relief: G20 leaders laugh despite deficit deadlock At last month's Seoul summit of the G20—or the G19+1, as one senior Asian central bank official recently dubbed it—the US was isolated from the ...


Global: World Bank’s Environment Valuation

NEWSMAKERS: GLOBAL By Dan Keeler Zoellick: Promoting fair value of ecosystems In an attempt to help countries calculate the true value of their natural assets, the World Bank has launched a project that will create an ecosystem valuation ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

QE2 Boosts Cross-Border M&A Deals

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: MERGERS & ACQUISITION By Gordon Platt Growing risk appetite triggered a sudden burst of cross-border mergers and acquisitions in October, as investors prepared for a second round of quantitative easing, or QE2, from the Federal ...