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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Milestones : Israel Loosens Investment Restrictions

ISRAEL     Tel Aviv: Aiming for greater integration with world markets. Israel’s minister of finance Ronnie Bar-On has approved a legislative amendment that will enable foreign portfolio management companies to serve Israeli clients and operate in Israel without the ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Milestones : Mexico Exchange Prepares For A Sell-Off

MEXICO     Mexico's stock exchange: Lining up a $1 billion IPO. After last year’s blowout initial public offering by the São Paulo Stock Exchange (Bovespa), which raised $3.6 billion, the Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV), the Bovespa’s Mexican counterpart, ...


Milestones : Profits Of Doom: Exxon Mobil Causes Uproar

UNITED STATES     Gas complaint: Exxon Mobil says growing consumption is pumping up its profits. A long-simmering debate boiled over last month after Exxon Mobil reported the highest earnings ever by an American corporation, topping its own record set ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Milestones : Russia Writes Off $12 Billion Iraqi Debt

RUSSIA/IRAQ     Talabani: Russia's decision is a historic turning point. Russia agreed in February to write off $12 billion of Iraqi debt in an apparent effort to help Russian companies including Lukoil to win contracts in Iraq. The debt ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Newsmakers : Taxing Times For A New President

GUATEMALA     Colom: Facing challenges on the fiscal front. Just weeks after being sworn in on January 14 as the new Guatemalan president, Álvaro Colom—the Central American country’s first left-of-center leader since Jacobo Árbenz, who was overthrown in a ...


Newsmakers : US CEOs May Face Euro-Style Packages

UNITED STATES / EUROPE     With corporate fat cats’ earnings increasingly in the spotlight, particularly in these credit-challenged times, it appears that CEO remuneration packages vary markedly depending on which side of the pond they are on. According to ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance : Credit Market Crisis Entering New Stage

Corporate Debt While money market pressures appear to be slowly receding, worries about a possible US recession that could trigger a surge in corporate defaults are moving to the fore for 2008. “If round one of the current credit crisis ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance : Drs Moving From Strength To Strength

Global Equity/drs Records galore toppled in the depositary receipt market in 2007, and DR liquidity, prices and capital raising likely will continue to be strong in 2008, as growth continues in the big emerging market economies of Brazil, Russia, India ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance : Us Economic Slowdown, Rate Cuts To Drub Dollar

Foreign Exchange With the US economy nearing a recession, if it hasn’t already entered one, the Federal Reserve will continue cutting interest rates in the months ahead, likely leading to further losses in the already beat-up dollar, analysts say. The ...