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Country Report

Country Report: Greece

BALANCING ACT By Vanessa Drucker Greece’s politicians must balance growth and austerity, but it will mean walking a tightrope with no safety net in sight. Greece needs a fresh blueprint for economic and social survival. Eurozone debt restructuring packages ...


Daunting Tasks For Papademos

NEWSMAKERS: EUROPE By Valentina Pasquali Greece’s interim prime minister Lucas Papademos was appointed in November, after much squabbling between the country’s two main political parties. Papademos most qualified candidate for the job Papademos faces the daunting tasks ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

EM Regional Review: Latin America

PREPARING FOR THE WORST By Antonio Guerrero Latin American countries are starting to build reserves and diversify economies to brace for a possible global downturn. The question is whether it will be enough to protect the export-driven ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Global Salon

PARADIGM SHIFT By Vanessa Drucker As part of its Salon series, Global Finance sat down on November 1 with Marc Chandler, global head of currency strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman and author of Making Sense of the Dollar . ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Hopes For Era Of Stability In Kyrgyzstan

MILESTONES: KYRGYZSTAN By Kim Iskyan Late October’s landslide victory of incumbent prime minister Almazbek Atambayev as the new president of Kyrgyzstan may bring a modicum of stability to the country’s tumultuous domestic political environment. Atambayev may favor ...

Award Winners

The World’s Best Internet Banks Round 2

EVOLUTION AND INNOVATION By Adam Rombel The awards go to both large international and local banks—showing that technology creates new opportunities and a global playing field. In this, the second of a two-part series, Global Finance recognizes the best ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Albania Aims To Be Green Energy Superpower

NEWSMAKERS: ALBANIA By Dan Keeler As most of Europe’s leaders tighten the screws on their battered economies, tiny Albania, one of the continent’s poorest nations, is pushing ahead with an ambitious plan intended to substantially boost foreign direct ...