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Global Finance Names The World’s Best Investment Banks 2021

NEW YORK, February 18, 2021– Global Finance magazine has named the 22nd annual World’s Best Investment Banks in an exclusive survey to be published in the April 2021 print and digital editions and online at J.P. Morgan was honored ...
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Ethiopias’s Rising Demand for Digital Banking

Substantial investment in its digital platform positioned Awash Bank to capture growth opportunities driven by Ethiopia’s rapidly increasing demand for mobile and online banking services. Kefyalew Shiferaw, Awash Bank’s Chief, Digital Banking Officer, discusses the bank’s digital strategy and future expansion into new markets.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Hitachi Goes Global With Sale

The deal is part of Hitachi’s ongoing strategy to de-emphasize lines of business outside its core focus of information technology.


Honoring A Colleague

Global Finance names its foreign exchange awards in honor of Gordon W. Platt Jr., a beloved and devoted editor, friend and global citizen.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

NTT Bond Sale Sets A Record

Japan’s Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. will use the proceeds to pay for the acquisition of its mobile unit.

Award Ceremonies and Events

Global Finance’s Stars of China 2020 Awards Ceremony

It has beenGlobal Finance’spractice to conduct a Stars of China award ceremony in Beijing every year but unfortunately we were not been able to meet in person this year. We are pleased to announce our 12th Annual Stars of China Awards for 2020 and please click on the link below.
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How financial institutions can help with the fight against climate change

When it comes to taking the necessary measures to mitigate the worst effects of climate change, action does not come cheap. Introducing the necessary changes to energy production, ensuring more environmentally methods of production and re-tooling existing industries, for example, will come with significant costs. And, unfortunately, a significant proportion of these costs are going to be borne by those least able to afford them.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Airbnb Plans IPO During Pandemic

While Airbnb has done better than most of its competitors in the pandemic, it still faces a challenging road ahead.