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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Treasury Services Supplement 2019

Every year, new disruptive technologies are wafted, tantalisingly, in front of treasurers at one of the biggest events in the corporate treasury calendar, EuroFinance. For the last couple of years, Innovation Alley and the tech breakout sessions have allowed the normally risk-averse world of treasury to dip their toes in technologies like blockchain, machine-learning and cryptocurrencies. Most treasurers wouldn’t touch cryptocurrencies with a barge pole. As guardians of a company’s cash and liquidity, their job is to preserve capital—not bet it on risky investments in cryptocurrencies or blockchain pilots.
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Transformation for a New Market Reality

Disruptive forces are increasingly defining Russia’s banking landscape. Amid the rapid pace of digitalisation, business models – and customer expectations – are changing. Corporate initiatives to create their own ecosystems have focused on identifying synergies and new niches, developing products ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

The Eurozone’s Grand Plan

Europe is stepping up efforts to unify its financial-services systems, but it will have to work harder to catch up with rivals.