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Singapore: Asian Banking Magnet

Singapore has cemented its position as Asia’s top financial center, according to the Global Financial Centers Index produced by Z/Yen...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

The Tiger Uncrouches

ASEAN is poised to become world’s fourth largest economy by 2030. But getting there will require an unprecedented group effort....

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Central Banker Report Cards 2023

For many central bankers, the central task of the past year has been to stabilize prices without sending the national...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

High-Wire Artists: Central Banker Report Cards 2023

Through the past year, central bankers teetered and wobbled to avoid both inflation and recession while juggling an array of internal and external risks. Global Finance grades their success and interviews a dozen about the last year—and the next.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Central Banker Report Cards 2022

After years of easy money, central banks are tightening up—some more quickly than others. Global Finance grades their performance in the face of the past year’s rising inflation.