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Country Report: Kuwait

LONG-TERM VISION By Justin Keay Kuwait’s development in recent years has been driven by the state, with little FDI. However, upcoming elections promise a new government that could improve the business climate for foreign investors. When protesters ...


EM Regional Review: CEE

WINTER OF DISCONTENT By Justin Keay Although there are some bright spots, many CEE countries face the prospect of another economic downturn thanks to tight European ties. For most countries in the postcommunist world, 2011 ...


New Hydrocarbon Deposit May Kick-start Cyprian Economy

MILESTONES: CYPRUS By Justin Keay These are roller coaster times for Cyprus. Resource wealth to benefit Cypriots But there may be very good news on the horizon. US company Noble Energy is drilling offshore close to where ...

Country Report

Country Report: Lebanon

WAIT AND SEE By Justin Keay Lebanon has tumbled from its economic boom in 2010. Investors are holding back to see how the new government fares. So far, its reform progress is less than impressive. But with the ...

Country Report

Country Report: Turkey

RIDING THE WAVE By Justin Keay Turkey’s economy has performed quite well, but reform is needed at home to build sustainable growth. Early August saw unprecedented turbulence on global financial markets, and Turkey’s was no exception. On ...

Country Report

Early Days

COUNTRY REPORT: EGYPT By Justin Keay Egypt is still in the very early stages of transition, but if it can establish political stability, its economy should grow strongly over the coming years. If confidence really is the ...


Annual Supplement: The Middle East 2011

WINDS OF CHANGE These are times of unprecedented change in the Middle East and North Africa. Years of pent-up frustration among the region’s youth—around 60% of the population in some countries—has already swept away two governments. More may follow, ...


Middle East: A Region In Transition

THE MIDDLE EAST 2011: OUTLOOK By Justin Keay The rising tide of activism surging through the Middle East and North Africa is accelerating a transformation already well under way. When asked what was most likely to blow ...


Middle East: Bouncing Back

THE MIDDLE EAST 2011: DUBAI'S RESURGENCE By Justin Keay After a tough two years, Dubai has consolidated its position as a regional financial and transport hub and is set for a sharp upturn. Anyone arriving on a ...


Middle East: Looking To The Future

THE MIDDLE EAST 2011: THE BANKS By Justin Keay The current market conditions may have prompted slowing in their expansion plans, but the Middle East’s banks are still building for the future. Until late 2010, the sentiment ...


Middle East: Taking A Leading Role

THE MIDDLE EAST 2011: QATAR By Justin Keay Careful economic management and a strong strategic vision have helped propel Qatar to the front ranks of the world’s fastest-growing economies. Ten years ago, Qatar could have safely laid ...


Britains Big Gamble

FOCUS: UK RECOVERY STRATEGY By Justin Keay The UK government’s savage spending cuts and deep austerity measures have been touted as a model recovery strategy for stumbling Western economies. Faltering growth is raising questions over the strategy’s validity. ...