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Global Finance: What is the secret to designing and maintaining customer-centric websites that can keep up with the ever-evolving requirements of customers across all digital channels?
Juraj Bojkovský: A good website requires insights from relevant departments—it is important to speak with them a lot. The marketing or communication department should listen well to product and segment managers who know more about bank products, segments and competitors than they. They can give a lot of good views on what they need or what they use for the sale of products.
Client needs and behavior are really important. An extendable design manual is a must—you cannot change the design manual every year. A design manual should be more than up-to-date—it should be visionary. Then it is only about strict adherence of established rules. Good IT support is mandatory for fast troubleshooting as well as testing and adapting new information as quickly as possible. Last, but not least, you need people who believe in Web development, business potential and the future importance of the website of the bank.
GF: Yours was one of the first banks to deploy voice biometrics. What has the uptake been like to date, and did you encounter any problems rolling it out?
Bojkovský: Our goal was to simplify the authentication and authorization process during phone calls. Voice biometrics (VB) is much easier for our clients—voice is natural, always with you and easy to use. After creating a voiceprint, a client can use the system immediately; no special training is necessary. We implemented VB in 2013. Now we have more than 45% of customers with voiceprints enrolled in the system, and by the end of 2015 we plan to have 50%. Today more than 85% of phone calls are verified by voice and less than 15% by a one-time password generator.
VB technology is relatively new, and there are few implementations in the world, especially in banks. With few sources of knowledge, every implementation is unique. You are not buying a boxed product like Microsoft Office, you are buying a framework. You must first understand how the framework works, and then you need to understand your target business process and combine these two things together to find the best solution for your needs. You also need to have a good project team with deep knowledge of the bank, from IT, banking products, contact center, legal, etc.
You need to adapt internal bank systems like Contact Center Agent Desktop and Operational Customer Relationship Management for new authentication and authorization processes and not forget fallback methods for authentication and authorization—sometimes customers’ voices are affected by illness, or they may be in a noisy area.