Global Finance
announces a half-yearly update World’s 50 Safest Banks: April 2013

NEW YORK, February 26, 2013
Bank stability is an ever-more pressing concern for the worlds companies and investors. It is within this context that
Global Finance
announces the half-yearly update to its ranking of the World’s 50 Safest Banksthe recognized standard of creditworthiness for the entire financial world since it was first introduced in 1992.
In developed markets, economic uncertainty has affected the ratings of some financial institutions,
including a number of banks in Canadawhich had been seen as a bastion of banking safety since the crisis began in 2007. While in emerging markets, institutions have generally held their ratings and moved up the list as some developed market banks moved down.
The biggest climber from the prior list published in October 2012 is BancoEstado of Chile, up six positions from 42 to 36, followed by Svenska Handelsbanken (up 5) and Nordea (up 4). Newcomers to this years Top 50 list include two South Korean banks (Korea Finance Corp and Industrial Bank of Korea) and Norways DnB. With Toronto Dominion bank having lost its Aaa rating from Moodys, no private sector bank now holds a Triple-A rating from any of the agencies.
Counterparty risk is of prime importance to global CFOs and financial executives as economic uncertainty continues to trouble global markets, says
Global Finance
publisher Joseph D. Giarraputo.
Global Finances
Safest Banks ranking provides an independent analysis of each regions banks that companies can use as a tool to benchmark their counterparties. The institutions that top our ranking of the Safest Banks are those that have shown their strength in times of turbulence.
The ranking was created through an evaluation of long-term credit ratingsfromMoodys, Standard & Poors and Fitch Ratingsand total assets of the 500 largest banks worldwide.
For editorial information please contact: Andrea Fiano, editor, email:
1 |
KfW |
26 |
China Development Bank |
(Germany) | (China) | ||
2 |
Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten |
27 |
Bank of Montreal |
(Netherlands) | (Canada) | ||
3 |
Zrcher Kantonalbank |
28 |
(Switzerland) | (Canada) | ||
4 |
Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank |
29 |
BNY Mellon |
(Germany) | (United States) | ||
5 |
L-Bank |
30 |
Agricultural Development Bank of China |
(Germany) | (China) | ||
6 |
Nederlandse Waterschapsbank |
31 |
National Bank of Abu Dhabi |
(Netherlands) | (United Arab Emirates) | ||
7 |
Caisse des Dpts et Consignations |
32 |
CoBank, ACB |
(France) | (United States) | ||
8 |
33 |
Korea Finance Corp |
(Germany) | (South Korea) | ||
9 |
Banque et Caisse dEpargne de lEtat |
34 |
Pohjola Bank |
(Luxembourg) | (Finland) | ||
10 |
Rabobank |
35 |
National Bank of Kuwait |
(Netherlands) | (Kuwait) | ||
11 |
TD Bank Group |
36 |
BancoEstado |
(Canada) | (Chile) | ||
12 |
DBS Bank |
37 |
DZ Bank |
(Singapore) | (Germany) | ||
13 |
Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp |
38 |
Banque Fdrative du Crdit Mutuel |
(Singapore) | (France) | ||
14 |
United Overseas Bank |
39 |
U.S. Bancorp |
(Singapore) | (United States) | ||
15 |
Royal Bank of Canada |
40 |
Industrial Bank of Korea |
(Canada) | (South Korea) | ||
16 |
National Australia Bank |
41 |
Northern Trust |
(Australia) | (United States) | ||
17 |
Commonwealth Bank of Australia |
42 |
Qatar National Bank |
(Australia) | (Qatar) | ||
18 |
Westpac |
43 |
Samba Financial Group |
(Australia) | (Saudi Arabia) | ||
19 |
ANZ Group |
44 |
La Banque Postale |
(Australia) | (France) | ||
20 |
Nordea |
45 |
Bank of Taiwan |
(Sweden) | (Taiwan) | ||
21 |
Bank of Nova Scotia |
46 |
Banco de Chile |
(Canada) | (Chile) | ||
22 |
Svenska Handelsbanken |
47 |
Wells Fargo |
(Sweden) | (United States) | ||
23 |
Caisse centrale Desjardins |
48 |
Standard Chartered |
(Canada) | (United Kingdom) | ||
24 |
Kiwibank |
49 |
(New Zealand) | (Sweden) | ||
25 |
50 |
DnB |
(United Kingdom) | (Norway) |
Assets as of: December 31, 2011
Ratings as of: February 11, 2013