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Regulars : EM Roundup Middle East

Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, the US-based private equity firm, received a license to operate from the Dubai International Financial Center. By Gordon Platt The building in which the firm, whose 1988 leveraged buyout of RJR Nabisco was chronicled in ...


Features : Europe in Crisis

EUROPE IN CRISIS Many of Europe’s former star economies are still struggling to find their feet after falling prey to the credit crunch. By Laurence Neville Emerging Europe is on the edge of a precipice. Already ...


Features : Financial Giants Face A Mighty Challenge

ANALYSIS FINANCIAL CENTERS Established financial centers are seeing their dominance challenged in the aftermath of the credit crunch. BY ANITA HAWSER In early April, as leaders from the Group of 20 countries gathered with the expectation that ...

Award Winners

Features : The Best EM Banks

ANNUAL SURVEY THE BEST EMERGING MARKET BANKS 2009 In our 16th annual survey of top banking performers in emerging markets, we name those banks that are consistently providing high levels of service in fast-evolving markets. By Gordon Platt ...


Cover Story : Bankers Learn Lessons In Prudence

MIDDLE EAST REGIONAL REPORT In Dubai and other financial centers around the Middle East, there are increasing signs that prudence and a focus on Islamic financing are paying off. Sulaiman: Middle East economy is in a better ...


Cover Story : Recession Proof

MIDDLE EAST REGIONAL REPORT RECESSION PROOF Saudi Arabia epitomizes the trend toward big spending on infrastructure by oil-rich nations that is keeping their economies afloat. By Gordon Platt The Middle East is not immune to the effects of the global ...

Award Winners

Features: Annual survey best developped markets banks

WORLD’S BEST DEVELOPED MARKETS BANKS 2009 Global Finance unveils its annual list of the best banks in developed markets around the world. By Laurence Neville When Global Finance published its 2008 awards a year ago, the ...

Award Winners

Features: The World’s Safest Banks

ANNUAL SURVEY/ SAFEST BANKS MID-YEAR UPDATE Global Finance selects the world’s safest banks, the 50 institutions with the highest ratings from the leading credit ratings agencies. Such has been the turmoil in the world’s banking industry that Global Finance is ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance


NEW YORK, November 18, 2008 Global Finance magazine has named the Best Foreign Exchange Banks and Providers by country, region...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance


Americas Citi Europe BNP Paribas Central and Eastern Europe UniCredit Middle East Arab Bank Nordic SEB Asia Standard Chartered Africa...