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New York, 4 September 2008 Global Finance magazine has released its annual ranking of the Worlds Safest Banks, which will...


Features : Back To Basics

SECTOR REPORT SOVEREIGN WEALTH FUNDS A series of disastrous investments in Western banks and mounting pressure to invest locally is prompting a sea change in sovereign wealth funds’ investment attitudes.   Dickinson: Some SWFs are facing pressure to diversify their ...

Award Winners

Features : Fuel For The Growth Engine Annual Report

STARS OF CHINA Over the past decade, China’s government has been working on an ambitious plan to improve the health, transparency and effectiveness of its country’s sprawling banking system. Weighed down with bad loans, mired in bureaucracy and often plagued ...

Award Winners

Features: World’s best trade finance banks 2009

ANNUAL SURVEY / BEST TRADE FINANCE BANKS Trade finance banks are enjoying rising demand for basic risk management services as world trade faces a difficult period. Global trade is expected to decline in 2009 for the first time since 1982, ...


Milestones : Asia’s 1 Billion Muslims Beckon Islamic Bankers

ASIA-PACIFIC     Asia looks to cash in on its emerging Islamic financial center status. The Asia-Pacific region already accounts for 60% of the world’s Islamic banking assets and could be a center of growth for the shariah-compliant finance industry ...


Features : After the Storm

BANKING CRISIS FALLOUT Colossal losses by financial institutions have prompted calls for more-effective regulation. Refining the Basel banking rules might provide the answer.     Global crisis: For the biggest names in banking there has been nowhere to hide from ...

Award Winners

Features : World’s Best Foreign Exchange Providers 2009

BEST FX PROVIDERS Global Finance selects the leaders in the world’s biggest financial market.   The foreign exchange market has continued to thrive throughout the global financial crisis, providing some welcome profits for beleaguered financial institutions. Average daily turnover has ...

Award Winners

Features : Banking On Innovation

BEST INTERNET BANKS 2008 In the second of a two-part series, Global Finance identifies the best corporate/institutional and consumer Internet banks globally and in six regions.         These are tough times for banks to focus on Internet ...


Features : Best Laid Plans

MIDDLE EAST Determined to avoid repeating past mistakes, oil-rich nations in the Middle East have worked hard to diversify their economies. So far they have fared well, but pitfalls remain.   Oil is integral to the Middle East's economic fortunes, ...