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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Looking Back, Moving Forward: Equity & Debt Capital Markets

STORMY WEATHER By Gordon Platt   When volume 1, number 1 of Global Finance arrived at the airport in London on October 15, 1987, it could not immediately be offloaded.   The precious cargo was needed as ballast in the airplane ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Looking Back, Moving Forward: Foreign Exchange

CURRENCY CRISES AND CURRENCY WARS   By Gordon Platt   FX has withstood many crises, including speculative attacks on the British pound, the Mexican peso crisis, the Thai baht crisis and, more recently, a euro under strain and a potential threat ...


Looking Back, Moving Forward: Global Banking

CHANGE IS IN THE AIR   By Jonathan Gregson   The emergence of universal banks fueled the trend toward globalization over the past 25 years, but the recent crises have been their undoing.   In the past 25 years major banks ...


Looking Back, Moving Forward: Global Investing

UNDERMINING THE CULT OF EQUITY   By Jonathan Gregson   As alternative investments become mainstream and returns diminish, the traditional bias toward equity investment is being challenged like never before.   Even before globalization became a major theme, big investors had ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Looking Back, Moving Forward: Insurance & Risk Management

BEHIND EVERY CLOUD...   By Paula Green   Financial scandals, earthquakes, hurricanes, terrorist attacks and tsunamis generated some important lessons for the worlds of insurance and risk management. The challenge now is coming to grips with a world where vulnerabilities are expanding. ...


Looking Back, Moving Forward: Macroeconomics

THE HUMAN FACTOR IN ECONOMIC THEORY   By Justin Keay   Traditional economic theory has been challenged by recent market events in global financial markets, and that challenge has given rise to a new generation of economic soothsayers who are looking ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Looking Back, Moving Forward: Mergers & Acquisitions

TRADING SIZE FOR VALUE   By Gordon Platt   Some of the biggest mergers in recent history—AOL and Time Warner, Vodafone and Mannesmann—show that such marriages aren't always made in heaven.   Dealmakers are now staring down a much smaller deal ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Looking Back, Moving Forward: Technology In Treasury And Finance

THE LAST MILE IN AUTOMATION   By Anita Hawser   Over the past 25 years multinational corporations have made significant efficiency gains by centralizing treasury management operations, and thanks to the advancement—in quantum leaps—of treasury management software.   The Cloud is ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Looking Back, Moving Forward: Trade Finance

SEXY AND SOPHISTICATED   By Anita Hawser   Oiling the wheels of global trade has never been more important, particularly as regulation and capital constraints challenge banks' commitment to the business.   Collaborative B2B platforms and investors are poised to play ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Top 25 Lists: 25 Companies to Watch In The Next 25 Years

SUCCESSORS   By Justin Keay   Who would have predicted back in 1987 that Apple would today be one of the world's most dynamic and innovative companies? And Google, which emerged from nowhere back in 1998 but now dominates much more ...