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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Landmark Trade Deal Uses Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology finally gets "real" with a letter-of-credit deal betweenOrnua, an Irish dairy company, and state-owned wholesaler Seychelles Trading Company.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Legal Ed For Corporates Gains Steam

The intensifying regulatory environment has led more law schools to offerexecutive education programs thatfocuson law, ethics and compliance.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Spain’s Ortega Tops Gates In Wealth

Big profits from managing short lead times helped Amancio Ortega—Spanish business magnate, founder and chairman of the Inditex fashion group—recently pass Bill Gates’s fortune for the second time.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Tory Hints At Pivot To Exports

Although Liam Fox made headlines for sayingBritish businessmen are too lazy to boost exports, less extensively reported remarks by the UK’s international trade secretaryhint at a significant change in policy.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Move Over Fiat Currencies

At Sibos in Geneva, financial technology, or fintech (blockchain, artificial intelligence, machine learning), was present in almost every conference presentation and workshop. And even in those sessions that didn’t directly reference it, one felt a sense that banking in particular ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

No More Compliance Headaches?

Corporate compliance and due diligence headaches may be easing, as a number of new services have been launched to help companies screen suppliers against global sanctions lists. Ever-increasing regulatory requirements, including broader monitoring and compliance obligations, and ever-changing sanctions and ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Technology And Finance: A Match In Flux

One message comes quite clearly out of Sibos in Geneva this year: fintech companies and financial institutions are re-thinking their relationships. And in general both sides are ready to consider different models of collaboration and coexistence. Few possibilities are excluded. ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Innotribe Expands Challenge To Veterans

This year, Innotribe, the Swift initiative long known for launching fintech start-ups around the globe, changed gears. Rather than running its incubators and challenges throughout the globe, it focused on two emerging fintech hubs: Latin America and Africa. That opened ...