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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Innovators Q+A | Coke’s New Tech Formula

Coca-Cola’s director of international treasury services, Jim Aschmeyer, explains how a strong relationship with Citi aids innovation and cash management.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Innovators Q+A | Volvo’s Treasury Upgrade

Elisabeth Mosseen, group treasurer, and Eva Christianson, head of risk analysis and control at group treasury, both at Volvo Car Group, chart their treasury’s transformation from a division of Ford to a stand-alone outfit.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Market Braces For $2 Trillion In EM Debt

<strong>Trends | Emerging Markets</strong><br /> Emerging markets sovereigns and corporates will need to refinance up to $2 trillion of debt coming due in the next five years, as a result of extravagant borrowing earlier this decade when commodity prices were soaring and cheap financing was readily available.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Multinationals Need A Culture Shock

<strong>Management | Corporate Culture</strong><br /> Several recent financial and corruption scandals have forced multinationals to develop comprehensive corporate conduct and compliance programs.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Top Innovators In Corporate Finance 2016

Corporates today need more agility to meet regulatory requirements and manage volatility, hence technology plays a growing role in treasury departments.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Top Innovators In Foreign Exchange | 2016

Intense competition is driving rapid digitization as financial institutions seek an edge over rivals in the nonstop foreign exchange sector.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Top Innovators In Trade Finance | 2016

Trade finance is behind some other banking sectors in transitioning to paperless documents and digital distribution, but it’s catching up.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Weak Dollar Boosts US Companies

<strong>Capital Markets | Foreign Exchange</strong><br /> After years of bemoaning the negative effects of the strong dollar on their revenue and earnings, US-based multinationals are singing a different tune.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

A Waiting Game For Zambia

Zambia offers a range of advantages and opportunities for foreign investors, but they may want to wait awhile until some risks play out.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Argentina, Back From The Debt Wilderness

It’s been a long time coming, but Argentina is finally back. In mid-April, after being frozen out of global capital markets for 15 years, the country sold $16.5 billion of debt in an offering that was more than four times oversubscribed—the biggest bond ever sold in an emerging market.