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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Brazil Reeling After Another Junk Rating

The axe fell on Brazil heading into 2016 as it suffered a downgrade to junk status by Fitch Ratings, heightening the air of crisis as the beleaguered nation grapples with political turmoil and recession.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

China’s New FX Regime

Foreign Exchange | Capital Markets The renminbi’s entry into the International Monetary Fund’s basket of currencies, the Special Drawing Rights (SDR), will require China to have a more flexible exchange rate.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Czech Banks Are Lending

In November the European Investment Bank published its latest Bank Lending Survey for Central Europe and Southeastern Europe.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Czech Republic: The Quiet Achiever

Unlike some of its Eastern European neighbors, the Czech Republic has shunned joining the eurozone and has surprised many with its stable and healthy levels of economic growth. However, progress is still needed on business transparency.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Editor’s Letter: Two Baskets, One Currency

Our cover story this month focuses on a little-known fact: Global trade growth has slowed in recent years, and intraregional trade, especially in Asia, is becoming more prominent.


Europe’s Private Debt Boom

Traditional banks are pulling back from lending to small and midsize businesses. Just as happened in the US, funds are filling the void.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Global Companies React To Security Threats

Security Risks | Management Recent terrorist events around the world, from California to Paris, have forced multinational companies to think more seriously about security and nonmarket risks, and the impact of threats on their operations and business continuity.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Has Globalization Gone Into Reverse?

World trade growth is slowing. Its future may depend on internal trade within a handful of discrete, powerful regions—especially Asia.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Investors Eye Irans Economic Comeback

The prospect of the lifting of economic sanctions against Iran has investors excited about the return of this market to the global economic community. But the message is: Proceed with caution.