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Browse additional economic indicators and data sets, selected by Global Finance editors, to learn more about Algeria economic outlook, debt to GDP ratio, international trade performance and population trends. Rankings of Algeria best banks and safest banks are also available.



The financial system in Africa varies from the highly developed banking institutions of South Africa and Nigeria to the barely organized banking sector of South Sudan, the world’s newest country.

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Middle East Thrives Amid Political Flux

The economies of the Middle East continue to prosper despite ongoing instability. In some cases, that instability is creating the greatest opportunities. However, any prospects for investing do come with a unique set of risks.

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Middle East Oil & Gas: Iranian Win?

MIDDLE EAST 2014 SUPPLEMENT By Ronald Fink Some analysts think the Ukrainian crisis could help improve prospects for Middle Eastern...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Cover: Emerging Markets Elections

By Laurence Neville Thirty-four developing countriesincluding all of the so-called Fragile Five nationswill have elections this year. Their results will...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Strong Middle East Deal Pipeline

MARKET FOCUS: MIDDLE EAST INVESTMENT BANKING By Gordon Platt The Middle East may present political challenges, but dealmakers anticipate that...