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Award Winners

Embracing Disruption

Latin American start-ups are no longer playing the copycat game, but using new technology to address the region’s unique problems.

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Latin America: Back on Track

Good news from Latin America: With Brazil and Argentina coming out of the 2015-2016 recession, the region has returned to expansion mode and is expected to gain economic strength this year and next. The return of capital inflows and an apparent change in foreign direct investment (FDI) are the most evident signs that investors’ views of South and Central America have tilted more to the positive of late. The region is back on track.


Latin America Back On Track

A nascent global recovery is improving prospects across Latin America and the Caribbean—albeit unevenly.Foreign direct investment is increasing, commodity prices have bottomed out, and six countries will hold presidential elections through the end of October.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Argentina Prepares Another Bond Issue

Encouraged by its successfulbondsalein June,Argentina is planning another bond offer. But some experts are cautious ahead ofOctober'smidterm election.