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Award Winners

World’s Best Banks 2012: Europe

By Thomas Clouse, Jonathan Gregson, Antonio Guerrero & Gordon Platt EUROPE Europe’s banks are being pulled in two directions. Governments want them to lend more, especially to small- and medium-size enterprises, while European and national regulators require them to strengthen their ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Central Bank Independence Is Under Threat

MILESTONES: HUNGARY By Paula Green As if a weakening currency, surging public debt and three downgrades to junk bond status since November weren't enough to dissuade investors from sinking money into Hungary, they now have to deal with ...


Cover Story: EUROPE 2020

AFTER THE TURMOIL: WHAT COMES NEXT? By Jonathan Gregson, Justin Keay and Vanessa Drucker How the European Union will look in 2020 is unclear. Whether it will see tighter union, a tiered eurozone, or will cease to exist ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Global Salon: Ian Bremmer, Eurasia

NO HAND AT THE HELM By Paula Green As part of its Salon series, Global Finance sat down on January 11 with Ian Bremmer, president and founder of political risk analysis firm Eurasia Group, to discuss increasing geopolitical ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Environmental Risk Insurance

ENVIRONMENTAL INSURANCE: GLOBAL EXPOSURE MANAGEMENT By Anita Hawser Environmental risk insurers are offering more sophisticated solutions and a broader range of coverage amounts. A fire broke out at a chemical plant in Moerdijk, Netherlands, in January 2011. ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

DR News: Unsponsored DRs Abound Amid Lack Of New Issues

EMERGING MARKETS INVESTOR: DR NEWS By Gordon Platt The market for new sponsored depositary receipt programs for companies in emerging markets has dried up since the equity market turmoil in August, but there has continued to be a steady ...


EM Regional Review: CEE

WINTER OF DISCONTENT By Justin Keay Although there are some bright spots, many CEE countries face the prospect of another economic downturn thanks to tight European ties. For most countries in the postcommunist world, 2011 ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

FX Supplement: Currency Wars: Changing Tactics

CURRENCY WARS By Gordon Platt Battle Tactics Change With Global Slowdown. Chandler, Brown Brothers Harriman: The lingering US and European crises are casting a pall over global capital markets When the global economy seemed securely on track ...

Award Winners

Central Banker Report Cards 2011: Europe

EUROPE Czech Republic Miroslav Singer Grade: B Miroslav Singer had just been appointed governor when we published our last Central Banker Report Cards, but he hasn’t wasted any time in giving his assessment on how the euro crisis could ...