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Award Winners

Awards: The World’s Best Subcustodians

ANNUAL SURVEY: MEETING NEW DEMANDS By Gordon Platt Subcustodians focus on real-time data and safety of client assets. The world’s leading subcustodians are investing in new systems to meet an increasing desire from global custodians for real-time ...


GCC: High Oil Prices Support Government Spending Rise

GCC REGIONAL REPORT: OIL MARKETS By Gordon Platt Global politics, supply dynamics and the fiscal needs of the GCC’s governments are combining to cloud the prospects for oil prices . Oil prices have been volatile in recent ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

India: Tata Steel Sells Assets

EMERGING MARKETS ROUNDUP: INDIA by Aaron Chaze Tata Steel: Trimming debt In an attempt to trim its debt, India’s largest steel producer, Tata Steel, is to sell its 26.3% stake in Riversdale Mining, the Australian Stock Exchange–listed coal ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

India’s Power Shortages Spurring Demand For Coal

EMERGING MARKETS INVESTOR / COMPANY TO WATCH: COAL INDIA/INDIA by Gordon Platt Coal India has enjoyed a solid increase in its stock price since it listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange last November in the country’s biggest-ever IPO, ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

M&A: Cash-Rich Firms Drive M&A

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS / MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS Corporate Finance Focus by Gordon Platt Corporations worldwide are using their cash stockpiles to make acquisitions and are driving M&A; activity to a higher level that confirms the bullish trend ...

Country Report

An Oasis Of Calm

COUNTRY REPORT: KUWAIT By Gordon Platt Kuwait has been largely unaffected by the winds of change sweeping through the Middle East and North Africa. In the 50 years since Britain ended its protectorate and Kuwait became an ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Blowing Up

COVER STORY: EMERGING MARKETS INFLATION By Laurence Neville Emerging markets have been credited with saving the world’s economy from catastrophe with their resilient exports. Now they’re exporting a different product that threatens to stop the global recovery in ...

Editor's Letter

Commodities And Inflation

Commodity prices seem to increasingly influence the world economy—both on the producer and consumer side—and the financial markets...

Award Winners

Islamic Bank Awards 2011: Overall Awards

Overall Awards Best Sukuk Bank CIMB Islamic Malaysia-based CIMB Islamic has been the top sukuk underwriter for each of the past four years. In 2010 it boosted its leading global market share to 23%, largely on the strength of Malaysian ...