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Kuwait Shrugs Off Cheap Oil

Riding a wave of government spending, Kuwait’s financial institutions are thriving despite the drop in petroleum revenues—for now.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Markaz Sees The Silver Lining

Kuwait Financial Centre (Markaz) has been among the Arab region’s leading asset management and investment banking institutions since 1974. Speaking with Global Finance, CEO Manaf Alhajeri explains that economically challenging times have a bright side: a chance to find value for long-haul investors.


NBK-Kuwait Speeds Ahead

The country’s dominant bank sees future growth coming from the small-business market and from regional customers.


Global Finance Names Safest Banks In The Middle East & Africa 2015

NEW YORK, Sept. 9, 2015 — Global Finance has named the Safest Banks in the Middle East & Africa in an exclusive survey to be published in the November 2015 issue. Banks were selected through an evaluation of long-term foreign currency ratings—from Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch—and total assets of the 500 largest banks worldwide.


Global Finance Names The 50 Safest Banks In Emerging Markets 2015

NEW YORK, Sept. 9, 2015 — Rapid-growth emerging markets have long been the engines of global economic growth. With clients enjoying swiftly-rising incomes, many emerging markets banks benefited by providing services to meet the increasingly sophisticated banking needs of their client base.


Global Finance Names The Safest Islamic Financial Institutions In The GCC 2015

NEW YORK, Sept. 9, 2015 — Global Finance has announced its ranking of the Safest Islamic Financial Institutions in the Gulf Cooperation Council as part of an exclusive survey to be published in the November 2015 issue. Banks were selected through an evaluation of long-term foreign currency ratings—from Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch—and total assets of the 500 largest banks worldwide.

Country Report


<strong>Kuwait | Country Report</strong><br /> Kuwait is at a crossroads. Despite huge financial reserves, the Persian Gulf state must speed up project implementation to revive a stagnant economy far too dependent on oil revenues.


Corporate Tax Rates by Country

Taxes paid by corporations can be measured in a number of ways, including the marginal corporate tax rate and the total taxes paid as a percentage of profits.


Largest Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) 2015

A Sovereign Wealth Fund is a state-owned investment fund comprising financial assets such as stocks, bonds, real estate or other instruments and funded by foreign exchange assets.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance


FRONTIER MARKETS REPORT: KUWAIT<br /> Kuwaiti legislature has cut red tape and is offering more inducements for FDI. But is the rest of the regime on board?

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance


In our 21st annual survey, Global Finance identifies the best banks in 150 countries and eight regions. The winners are not always the biggest banks, but rather, the best—those with the qualities that corporations should look for when choosing a bank.