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Award Winners


Bermuda Butterfield Bank Canada Scotiabank United States J.P. Morgan Chase Austria Bank Austria Belgium KBC Group Denmark Danske Bank Finland...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance


CATEGORY SUB-CATEGORY WINNER GLOBAL WINNER Deutsche Bank REGIONAL WINNER North America Citi Latin America Citi Western Europe Deutsche Bank Honorable...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance


CATEGORY SUB-CATEGORY WINNER REGIONAL WINNER Americas Citi Europe BNP Paribas CEE UniCredit Nordic Region SEB Middle East Arab Bank Asia...


Features : Back To Basics

SECTOR REPORT SOVEREIGN WEALTH FUNDS A series of disastrous investments in Western banks and mounting pressure to invest locally is prompting a sea change in sovereign wealth funds’ investment attitudes.   Dickinson: Some SWFs are facing pressure to diversify their ...

Award Winners

Features: World’s best trade finance banks 2009

ANNUAL SURVEY / BEST TRADE FINANCE BANKS Trade finance banks are enjoying rising demand for basic risk management services as world trade faces a difficult period. Global trade is expected to decline in 2009 for the first time since 1982, ...

Award Winners

Features : World’s Best Foreign Exchange Providers 2009

BEST FX PROVIDERS Global Finance selects the leaders in the world’s biggest financial market.   The foreign exchange market has continued to thrive throughout the global financial crisis, providing some welcome profits for beleaguered financial institutions. Average daily turnover has ...

Country Report

Features: Troubled Giant

COUNTRY REPORT / NIGERIA Despite vast hydrocarbon reserves and a government committed to economic diversification, Nigeria still faces tremendous problems. A resurgence in its banking sector may help accelerate future progress.   Oil is Nigeria’s lifeline, accounting for some 80% ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance : Microsoft’s bid for yahoo gets M&A back on track

  MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS     Apart from the ongoing consolidation in the financial services industry, January was an extremely slow month for mergers and acquisitions. That all changed quickly on February 1, however, with Microsoft’s $44.6 billion bid for ...


Features : Opportunity Play

SOVEREIGN WEALTH FUNDS Sovereign wealth funds snap up bargains in one of the biggest financial industry land grabs in history.   Bader Al Sa'ad, head of Kuwait's SWF, helped arrange a huge cash infusion for Citi. To say Citi and ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Milestones : Investors Line Up For A Scalping

Nicaragua     Guevara: Deal will put an end to lawsuits. When Nicaragua offered commercial creditors a 95.5% haircut on $1.4 billion in commercial debt as part of a workout, the deal appeared to be more of a scalping. Yet ...

Country Report

Features : Country Report: Iceland

EXPANDING HORIZONS ICELAND Iceland is going all out to expand its economy—and the global reach of its banks and corporations.     With a wealthy consumer base that has the sixth-highest per capita GDP in the OECD, 0.8% unemployment, negligible ...