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Award Winners

Best Trade Finance Banks 2011

TRADE FORECAST: CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF PROTECTIONISM By Gordon Platt Bankers are optimistic that financing will be available to support projected growth in world trade, but regulatory change and currency wars have them on edge. Trade ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Country Report Lebanon

REFORM CANDIDATE By Justin Keay Sharply rising capital inflows and a stable banking sector have helped Lebanon achieve impressive economic...

Country Report

Country Report: Lebanon

REFORM CANDIDATE By Justin Keay Sharply rising capital inflows and a stable banking sector have helped Lebanon achieve impressive economic growth. Maintaining it will require far-reaching reforms, though. Winston Churchill once famously described Russia as a riddle ...

Award Winners

Stars Of China

ANNUAL REPORT: GENTLY DOES IT. By Thomas Clouse China's rapid recovery after the global financial crisis may yet foreshadow a hard landing as the government struggles to rein in the perennially red-hot real estate market. Real ...


Global Outperformers

EM REGIONAL BANKING FOCUS: LATIN AMERICA By Denise Bedell Latin America is a hotbed of growth, presenting a wealth of opportunities for domestic and international banks. With some of the highest growth rates seen anywhere worldwide ...

Award Winners

Holding Steady

ANNUAL SURVEY: CENTRAL BANKER REPORT CARDS by Gordon Platt, Antonio Guerrero and Dan Keeler Central bankers sit tight in the face of renewed global uncertainty. Indications that the global economic recovery is losing momentum have created a ...

Award Winners

World’s Safest Banks 2010

ANNUAL SURVEY: SAFEST BANKS by Dan Keeler Global Finance selects the world's safest banks—the 50 institutions with the highest ratings from the leading international credit ratings agencies—and the safest banks in seven regions. It is a measure ...