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Economics, Policy & Regulation

EU And Mercosur Agree On Trade Partnership

The European Union and four Mercosur Countries—Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay—have agreed to a bilateral trade deal in principle. Following...
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Includes historical data for Paraguay’s Gross Domestic Product growth, debt-to-GDP ratio and more, as well as information on trade, banking...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Latin America: Back on Track

Good news from Latin America: With Brazil and Argentina coming out of the 2015-2016 recession, the region has returned to expansion mode and is expected to gain economic strength this year and next. The return of capital inflows and an apparent change in foreign direct investment (FDI) are the most evident signs that investors’ views of South and Central America have tilted more to the positive of late. The region is back on track.

Country Report

Paraguay: Making The Right Moves

Paraguay has emerged from the shadows of its larger neighbors Brazil and Argentina to become the “little China” of South America. Its against-the-odds economic success story is sustained by an investment-friendly climate and strong fiscal discipline.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance


In our 21st annual survey, Global Finance identifies the best banks in 150 countries and eight regions. The winners are not always the biggest banks, but rather, the best—those with the qualities that corporations should look for when choosing a bank.