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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Country Report: Nigeria

THE RIGHT ROUTE FOR GROWTH By Antionio Guerrero Nigeria has averaged 7% growth over the past decade. But effectively managing its continued expansion is proving problematic. Infrastructure investment is a key challenge. The Nigeria stock exchange building in ...


Equity: Companies Raise More DR Capital

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS By Gordon Platt The pace of capital raising using depositary receipts has accelerated sharply from last year, and the pipeline of future issues is strong, DR bankers say. Much of the recent activity ...

Award Winners

World’s Best Subcustodians 2013: Country Winners

<p>COUNTRY WINNERS Argentina Citi Armenia Ameriabank Australia HSBC Austria UniCredit Bank Austria Bahrain HSBC Belgium KBC Brazil Itaú Unibanco Canada CIBC Mellon Chile Banco de Chile China Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Commercial Bank of China Colombia Citi Croatia ...</p>

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Milestones: Japan Joins Talks On World’s Biggest Free-Trade Zone

MILESTONES: GLOBAL By Erik Heinrich Japan has been invited to participate in negotiations that extend the reach of Nafta into South America and the Asia Pacific region. Other members of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), expected to be the world’s ...

Award Winners

Awards: World’s Best Banks 2013

BRIGHT STARS By Thomas Clouse, Jonathan Gregson, Antonio Guerrero & Gordon Platt Following a year that included some of the biggest scandals in banking history—the London Whale, the Libor rate-fixing scandal, widespread money laundering, insider trading, rogue trading and ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Cover: The Untold Cost of Cybersecurity

GROWING THREAT By Valentina Pasquali The frequency and severity of cyberattacks on businesses and organizations across the world have exploded in recent years, and so have the direct and indirect costs they inflict. Global finance executives spend ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

M&A: Falling Yen Hits Overseas Buying

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS By Gordon Platt The falling yen is raining on Japan’s parade of overseas acquisitions, which had a record-breaking year in 2012, when the yen was rising. The first three months of 2013 constituted ...


World’s Best Banks 2013: Asia

<p>By Thomas Clouse, Jonathan Gregson, Antonio Guerrero & Gordon Platt REGIONAL ECONOMY ON SOLID GROWTH PATH Asia’s regional economy continues to grow steadily, despite the tepid recovery in the United States and sovereign debt issues in Europe. The region’s ...</p>