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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Milestones: Panama Poised For Investment-Grade Status

Panama By Antonio Guerrero Providing a lift: Canal expansion will boost Panama economy Panama is poised to become Latin America’s newest investment-grade-rated country. Standard & Poor’s pushed Panama closer to the coveted rating in November when it raised ...


Newsmakers: New Premier Charts A Difficult Course

Japan By Thomas Clouse Hatoyama: Tough decision will be made a little easier with news of recent economic growth Japanese prime minister Yukio Hatoyama and his Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) swept into office in September with pledges ...


Newsmakers: Rusal Flotation Struggles Amid Turbulence

Russia By Kim Iskyan Heavy burden: Deripaska’s empire is weighed down with debt Oleg Deripaska’s plans to float Rusal, the world’s largest aluminum company, in a December IPO are facing serious turbulence. The company, according to some metals ...


Newsmakers: Senator Seeks To Rein In Fed’s Authority

United States By Gordon Platt Dodd: Taking direct aim at Fed’s supervisory role The chairman of the Senate banking committee, Connecticut Democrat Christopher Dodd, has taken dead aim at the Federal Reserve’s authority to supervise banks in what ...

Award Winners

World’s Best Internet Banks Part II

BANKS DEVELOP SOCIAL SKILLS In the second of a two-part series, Global Finance identifies the best global and regional Internet banks. By Adam Rombel Not many of the headlines about the global banking industry in the ...


Irrational Exuberance

Amazon Editorial reviews Product Description As Robert Shillers new 2009 preface to his prescient classic on behavioral economics and market...