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Includes historical data for Benin’s Gross Domestic Product growth, debt-to-GDP ratio and more, as well as information on trade, banking and financial sector leadership.

A Commercial And Tourism Hub

Strategically located at the crossroads of the Abidjan-Lagos and Cotonou-Niamey corridors, this small country of about 14 million people serves as an essential commercial and tourism hub in West Africa. With borders with Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Niger and Togo, and a 121-kilometer coastline on the Gulf of Guinea, Benin has also successfully achieved many democratic transitions, earning a reputation as one of Africa’s more stable democracies. Along with port activities, key drivers of its economy include the export of unprocessed agricultural products, and the telecommunications, energy, cement production and construction sectors.

However, Benin faces several challenges. The national poverty rate remains over 30%, and a large majority of the labor force operates within the informal economy. Efforts to attract private investment are hindered by high-level corruption, policy and institutional weaknesses, bureaucratic inefficiency, and limited access to credit. Moreover, the country’s prospects are significantly affected by the threat of Islamist militant activity in its northern regions, as well as by the economic and political fates of its neighboring countries.

Macroeconomy & Sovereign Data

Type of Government Presidential Republic
Capital Porto-Novo (constitutional capital); Cotonou (seat of government)
Sovereign Ratings S&P: B+
Moody’s: B1
Fitch: B+
Total Population 14.3 million
Median Age 17.7
Adult Per Capita Income (PPP) 8,394.01
Total GDP (2023) 21.4 billion

Benin GDP & Economic Overview

Most Recent Content

Banking & Finance

Trade & Investment

Total Exports USD 5.3 billion (2023)
Leading Exports Gold
Refined Petroleum
Total Imports USD 2.3 billion (2022)
Leading Imports Rice
Palm Oil
Source: World Integrated Trade Solution

Benin Leading Companies

Société Nationale de Commercialisation des Produits Pétroliers Oil & Gas Exploration & Production
Société Béninoise des Hydrocarbures Oil & Gas Refining & Marketing
Banque Internationale du Bénin Financials
Financial Bank Benin Financials
Communauté Électrique du Bénin Utilities
Compagnie Béninoise de Négoce et de Distribution Consumer Discretionary Distribution & Retail
Société des Ciments du Bénin Construction Materials

Major Trade Partners — Import

India 17%
China 12%
France 11%
Belgium 6%
Togo 4%

Source: World Integrated Trade Solution

Major Trade Partners — Export

Bangladesh 42%
India 10%
China 10%
Vietnam 5%
Chad 4%

Source: World Integrated Trade Solution

Data Sources:

IMF World Economic Outlook

UN World Population Prospects

World Inequality Report

S&P Global Ratings


Fitch Ratings

IMF Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS)

UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

CIA The World Factbook

World Bank’s World Integrated Trade Solution

Forbes Global 2000
