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Economics, Policy & Regulation

CFOs Boxed Out By Compliance?

CFOs are now so consumed by the need to meet expanding compliance requirements, they’re finding it harder to focus on big-picture strategy.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Black Money Battle Hampers Business

India's demonetization drive is having huge impact on India’s $ 2.2 trillion economy, wreaking havoc on business operations.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Developing Countries Ease Doing Business

According the World Bank Group’s Ease of Doing Business Index for 2017, a record-breaking 137 nations out of 190 have implemented key reforms to deregulate their economies.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Is This The End Of Globalization?

From Occupy Wall Street and the Arab Spring to surprising victories for Brexit and Trump, citizens around the globe are pushing back against their leaders’ policy choices.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Turkey’s Business Leaders Tout Resilience

Despite political turmoil in the wake of last summer’s coup attempt, in the business world it’s business as usual, according to executives at multinationals.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Transfer Pricing: A Risky Juggling Act

Transfer pricing—price-setting for sales within a corporate family—for maximum returns takes on heightened risk as governments crack down on creative tax-avoidance maneuvers.