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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Swiss Success Highlights Infrastructure Neglect

After 17 years of construction, the Gotthard Base Tunnel, connecting Northern and Southern Europe through the Alps, opened to great fanfare on June 1, and shone a light on years of lax investment in infrastructure by European nations generally.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

How Brexit Might Play Out

Even though the votewas a long time coming, few really prepared for the UK choosingBrexit. Now, business executives and political players are guesstimating the most likely scenariosand speculating how it will play out.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Ailing Lending Club Shakes Up Shadow Banking Boardroom

<strong>Trends | Shadow Banking</strong><br /> Renaud Laplanche, Lending Club’s founder, chief executive and public face, resigned abruptly in mid-May. His resignation casts a pall over not only the peer-to-peer lender that claims to be the world’s largest online marketplace connecting borrowers and investors, but also the shadow banking industry as a whole.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Assuming The Mantle Of Asia’s Financial Hub

Singapore has overtaken Hong Kong as Asia’s top financial center and now ranks third globally behind London and New York. This is the key takeaway from the latest Global Financial Centres Index (GFCI), a ranking by British commercial think-tank Z/Yen Group.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corruption: Offer Jokes Instead Of Bribes

<strong>Management | Corruption</strong><br /> At the anticorruption summit held in London last month, world leaders pledged to fight tax dodging, boost transparency and redouble efforts to confiscate and repatriate stolen assets to many of the world’s poorest countries.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

From Azerbaijan To Zambia, Country Ratings Slide

<strong>Capital Markets | Sovereign Risk</strong><br /> Low energy and commodity prices and a global economy stuck in low gear have provoked a surge in sovereign ratings downgrades in the first three months of this year. And rating agencies anticipate another wave of downgrades if a wider global economic slowdown materializes.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Growing Pirate Party Channels Populist Fury

<strong>Iceland</strong><br /> The Panama Papers’ revelation that Iceland’s prime minister had offshore interests, including claims on Icelandic banks, caused outrage in this naturally volcanic island state.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Multinationals Need A Culture Shock

<strong>Management | Corporate Culture</strong><br /> Several recent financial and corruption scandals have forced multinationals to develop comprehensive corporate conduct and compliance programs.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Shamed Panama Sees Its Flourishing Economy At Risk

<strong>Panama</strong><br /> The country has been a stellar performer in Latin America, but now a worldwide scandal about its massive offshore financial industry is putting Panama’s economic growth at risk.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Tax Planning Goes On Steroids

<strong>Tax Reporting & Compliance</strong><br /> The OECD’s “Base Erosion and Profit Shifting” principles are being incorporated into tax laws in some nations, requiring more transparency from corporate treasury departments.