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Editor's Letter

Gee Whizz

Last month's G20 meeting in Seoul may well have been the most-hyped gathering of global leaders in recent years...

Editor's Letter

High Hopes

With the world still reeling from the beating it took during the financial crisis and with many countries rashlyand bafflinglytalking their way into what threaten to be costly and damaging currency confrontations...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Currency Affairs

A cursory glance through the pages of this month's issue would suggest there is much cause for celebration...

Editor's Letter

Editor’s Letter: Settling Up

In this month's cover story we find that the alarming specter of sovereign risk has the potential to drive the global economy back into recession and spawn a new frenzy of risk aversion among investors...

Editor's Letter

Looking To The Long Term

After many months of prevarication, ferocious negotiation and somewhat disappointing horse trading, the shape of the new regulatory environments in the US, Europe and the UK is becoming clear...

Editor's Letter

Payback Time

Almost three years after the global financial crisis began, the repercussions rumble on...

Editor's Letter

Sustainable Advantage

It is seven years since we last featured corporate social responsibility as our cover story, and the changes that have taken place in the meantime are simply staggering...

Editor's Letter

Editor’s Letter: Caging The Beast

Increasingly, among commentators on the financial services industry, there is a perception of bankers and banks as hungry carnivores, pouncing on every opportunity to take profits and showing no remorse when faced with a weaker prey...

Editor's Letter

Editor’s Letter: Welcome To The Future

One year ago, as we looked ahead to 2009, the financial world was a bleak place. In the depths of the credit crunch, one of the most crucial elements of global business—trust—had all but evaporated...