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The Panama Papers And The Offshoring Industry

The so-called Panama Papers, more than 11 million leaked documents from a Panamanian law firm, are shining a spotlight on the scope and financial impact of the offshoring financial industry and global efforts to move assets to tax havens or less-regulated jurisdictions.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Third-Party Litigation Funding Gains Momentum

As the commercial world becomes more litigious, individuals and corporations are increasingly hamstrung from pursuing justified legal claims by a lack of liquidity or other means of financing.


ADB Meeting In The Heart Of Europe

<strong>Asian Development Bank Section: ADB Annual Meeting</strong><br /> Last year’s historic Asian Development Bank (ADB) annual meeting in Baku, Azerbaijan saw the bank and member countries commit to a wide range of goals and reforms.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Bankers Say Negative Rates Could Harm Financial System

<strong>Capital Markets | Fixed Income</strong><br /> The European Central Bank pushed its deposit rate deeper into negative territory in March, even as commercial bankers cautioned that such an unorthodox move could undermine their profitability and disrupt their role as financial intermediaries while doing little to boost lending or the economy.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Barclays To Sell Africa Business

Capital Markets | Regulation<br /> “Nothing will make us deviate or change our course. We are not exiting our operations in any of our African markets,” declared Maria Ramos, CEO of Barclays Africa.


Blockchain Voyages Of Discovery

<strong>Special Report: Fintech</strong><br /> As banks rush to find areas where the blockchain can save them time and money while creating opportunities, it’s hard to see exactly how this might shape future banking processes.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

CFO’s See Big Change Ahead

<strong>Management | Technology and Change</strong><br /> In the not-so-distant future, they believe, the corporate world will look very different than it does now.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

CFO’s The New Renaissance Men

<strong>Management | CFO's</strong><br /> A recent report by global consulting firm KPMG was titled, Introducing the Renaissance CFO.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

China’s Onshore Bond Market Opens Up

<strong>Capital Markets | Fixed Income</strong><br /> China’s $7.4 trillion onshore bond market, the third-largest in the world, is opening to foreign institutional investors in the latest step by China to integrate its capital markets into the global financial system.