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Quantum’s Promise

Superpowerful computers will extract enormous benefits from artificial intelligence—and deliver proportional advantages.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Trade Finance In Wartime

The huge drop-off in trade involving Russia and Ukrainehas hit trade finance hard.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

US Imposes New Tax On Buybacks

The excise tax—also meant to prevent corporations from amassing excess capital at the top—is anticipated to raise around $74 billion.


Private Banking Weathers All Storms

Private banks have retained their sparkle within the industry, and are investing in technological, service and product innovation to stay abreast of evolving client demands.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

M&A: Shopping The Globe

Deal-making is off this year as a global recession looms, but the surging dollar offers a rare opportunity for US firms to seize overseas bargains.

Transaction Banking

Payments Innovation

Dynamism in the payments arena is driving change at banks and drawing new players into the field, expanding innovation and opportunity.