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Finance For A Future: Q&A With DC Green Bank’s Jay Lurie

Jay Lurie, currently chief investment officer of DC Green Bank, has more than a decade in financing and infrastructure development worldwide in positions at Macquarie, Credit Suisse, and the World Bank Group’s International Finance Corporation (IFC). He talks with Global Finance about climate change and the finance sector.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

London Lands Russian Retailers Landmark Offering

As the Russian economy continues to emerge from the coronavirus, and as long as investors are hungry for new issues from Russia, it’s likely there will be more IPOs by Russian companies: but likely more in London than New York.


Paths To Recovery In The Caucasus

The region’s three economies face distinct challenges as Azerbaijan follows up on its military victory, Armenia licks its wounds and Georgia copes with political turmoil.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporates Embrace Bitcoin At Last

Corporate and investor sentiment toward Bitcoin was already on the upswing before Tesla’s purchase of the cryptocurrency.