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China Mints Latest Stock Exchange

The opening of the Beijing Stock Exchange is a positive signal of the government’s intention to open its financial market to global investors.


Japan: New Prime Minister, New Rules

Despite Fumoi Kishida’s public calls for a massive stimulus package and an even more consequential redistribution of wealth, some of his initial moves appear to confirm the dissonance between rhetoric and reality.


Tata Group Lands Air India

Under terms of the deal, Tata will gain Air India’s 141 aircraft and 7,000 domestic and international airport slots and pay $1.2 billion toward 42 aircraft, many of them Boeing 787 Dreamliners.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Japanese Activist Investor Campaigns Set To Rise

Activist investor campaigns in Japan caused a stir earlier this year whenEffissimo Capital Management andFarallon Capital Management, raised concerns about the management of Japanese conglomerate Toshiba.


Keeping An Eye On Evergrande

Evergrande borrowed not only from about 300 domestic and international banks, many of which remain undisclosed, but reportedly also from its employees, small firms and ordinary retail investors.