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Brussels, Beijing Ink Trade Deal

Strongly advocated by Germany, the agreement drew criticism from other European Union member states concerned with issues ranging from Beijing’s human rights record to cybersecurity and technology transfer.


India’s REIT Wave

62 million square feet of Indian commercial space have been converted to REITs in the last decade and another 144 million square feet are to be converted over the next three to four years.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

NTT Bond Sale Sets A Record

Japan’s Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. will use the proceeds to pay for the acquisition of its mobile unit.


Islamic Finance After COVID-19

Islamic finance took a hit in 2020 but is preparing for the next surge of growth through innovation, standardization, and M&A activity.


Vietnam: Growth Despite Hardships

Although Vietnam suffers from weak healthcare infrastructure, the government’s rapid response to the outbreak minimized damage to the economy.