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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Milestone: Moscow’S Stock Exchange Goes Public

MILESTONERUSSIA By Udayan Gupta The Russians are taking a page out of the Dutch East India Company’s playbook of 1602. In mid-February Russia recapitalized the Moscow Stock Exchange by selling $1 billion of shares in an IPO of the ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Newsmaker: Turkey’s PM Gives EU Ultimatum Over Membership

NEWSMAKER TURKEY By Valentina Pasquali Conveying the feelings of a large swath of the Turkish population, which is increasingly tired of the stalled accession negotiations with the European Union, prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoan recently threatened to abandon ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Newsmaker: Belka Navigates Choppy Economic Waters in Poland

NEWSMAKERS: POLAND By Justin Keay Poland’s central bank governor, Marek Belka, marked the start of the New Year with an interview to a leading business newspaper in which he claimed Poland had experienced “the perfect slowdown” rather than the slump ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Regional Focus Caucasus

BEYOND OLD BOUNDARIES By Justin Keay Oil wealth, a favorable location and buoyant economic growth have thrust Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia onto the international stage. However, regional conflicts, political tensions and corruption are never far away. “The ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets Roundup: Russia

BATTLE RAGES ON FOR NORILSK NICKEL   By Kim Iskyan   Russia’s economy continued to show signs of slowing, as preliminary GDP for October 2012 clocked in at a very weak 2.3%, marking the fifth consecutive month of deceleration.   ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Equity: China, LatAm Could Boost IPOs

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: GLOBAL EQUITY / DRS   By Gordon Platt   After declining sharply in 2012, initial public offerings could stage a turnround in the new year, say analysts, with China and Latin America leading the issuance.   The ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Fico Allays Critics’ Concerns As Economy Outperforms

NEWSMAKERS: SLOVAKIA   By Justin Keay   Emerging Europe doesn’t generate much in the way of good news these days, owing to the region’s proximity to and dependence on the eurozone.   Fico has learned from past mistakes Photo Credits: ...


Hungarian Banks’ Lending Capacity Reduced By Backtrack

MILESTONES: HUNGARY   By Paul Mackintosh   The Hungarian government threw the country’s banking sector into disarray in mid-October by reneging on an agreement with local banks to halve from 2013 the crisis levy imposed on them.   Matolcsy blames EU ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Roundtable: Turkey Banking And Finance

AN INVESTMENT-GRADE STORY   Moderated by Dan Keeler   Global Finance hosted Turkey’s central bank governor and Turkish financial executives at a roundtable in Istanbul in September to discuss economic development, the importance of Turkey’s upgrade to investment grade and ...


Milestone: Bulgaria Puts Bid To Join Eurozone On Hold

MILESTONES: BULGARIA   By Valentina Pasquali   With the eurozone debt crisis dragging on and membership in the currency union becoming increasingly less appealing, the Bulgarian government recently froze its bid to join the eurozone.   Bulgarian economy is outperforming its ...