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Editor's Letter

Finance Unfazed

Editor Andrea Fiano's monthly letter to you, the reader.


Press Release: World’s Best Private Banks 2021

NEW YORK, November 4, 2020 — Global Finance has announced its sixth annual World’s Best Private Banks Awards for 2021. A full report on the selections will appear in the December print and digital editions of Global Finance and online ...

Country Report

Azerbaijan: Regional Stability Wavers

Baku is rolling out ambitious plans for economic expansion and reform. But first, there are worsening regional tensions and currency woes to grapple with. And Covid.


Destination Egypt

While the Covid-19 pandemic has postponed a spate of deals, regional institutions want a piece of the Egyptian banking sector.


Egypt Looks South

While the global economy slows, Egyptian banks aim to expand their foothold in Africa and boost intraregional trade.