News & Features Archive
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An Economic Sticky Wicket For Pakistan’s New PM
Pakistan's new prime minister faces high debt and a currency crisis.
As CEO, Jeep Whiz Must Tend All Fiat Chrysler Brands
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles' new CEO has some big shoes to fill.
Betting On Neighborliness In The South China Sea
Tensions in the South China Sea result in new agreement.
Award Winners
Bigger Service From Smaller Banks
The Bank of Distinction Award honors entities that are punching above their weight, using digital technology to deliver a competitive customer experience.
Capital Raising & Corporate Finance
Building The Next-Generation Treasury
From AI to robotics to virtual desktop assistants, a host of new technologies promise to make the treasurer’s life easier.
Capital Raising & Corporate Finance
Business Benefits From Open Banking
With the arrival of open banking, the era of real-time financial data and the end of banks’ monopoly on their clients’ account information is at hand.
Capital Raising & Corporate Finance
China’s P2P Crisis Escalates As Firms Struggle To Stay Afload
Microlending boom goes bust.
Award Winners
Digital Bank Winners Reap Win-Win Rewards
The first round—country and subcategory winners—of Global Finance’s Best Digital Bank awards 2018 reveals that digital transformations are driving efforts by global, regional and national banks to build their corporate and consumer clientele—and cut costs while they’re at it.
Capital Raising & Corporate Finance
Energy Surge: How Do Companies Cope With Rising Oil Prices?
Businesses have a range of options to deal with rising oil prices, from doing nothing to getting into the oil business themselves.
Capital Raising & Corporate Finance
Escalating Tariff War Could Trigger Recession
Trade and tariff wars could lead to recessions.
Capital Raising & Corporate Finance
Europe’s Banks Exposed To Turkey’s Economic Woes
Turkey's economic woes are contagious.