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Vision Amid The Turmoil

GCC economies are stilla relative haven for foreign investors and a favored destination for direct investment, despite the drag of low oil prices.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Amazon Buys Whole Foods As Retail Consolidates

Mergers and acquisitions inretail are ramping upas bricks-and-mortar chains cope with changing consumer habits. An added benefit: getting more data on shoppers.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Argentina Prepares Another Bond Issue

Encouraged by its successfulbondsalein June,Argentina is planning another bond offer. But some experts are cautious ahead ofOctober'smidterm election.


Barclays Brought Before The Bench

The UKhas brought criminal charges against Barclays and four former executives over deals made with Qatar in the depths of the 2008 financial crisis.


Japan Warms To Chinas One Belt Plan

Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abehas expressedsupport forChina’smassiveOne Belt, One Road infrastructure-upgrade plan.But his endorsement comes with a lot of ifs.