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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

GCC: Oil Prices And Regional Stability

REGIONAL SUPERSECTION — SHALE OIL BOOM RATTLES GCC ECONOMIES By Gordon Platt As US shale oil and gas production continues to grow, it could have an impact on GCC economies over both the short and long term. ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Global: Russia Moves Into High-Income

MILESTONES By Gordon Platt At a time when economic activity in Russia has lost its momentum, the World Bank is elevating the country to high-income status. According to the World Bank’s latest annual classification of the world’s ...


Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC): Change Is In The Air

REGIONAL SUPERSECTION The six nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)—Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE—have a common need to adjust to a changing global oil market as a result of the surge in US oil ...


India: Now Third-Largest Global Economy

MILESTONES By Erik Heinrich India has passed Japan as the world’s third-largest economy, according to a recent report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The same report lowered the OECD’s estimate for India’s growth ...


Israel: Wanted—Central Bank Leader

NEWSMAKERS By David Lipkin The succession of Stanley Fischer, governor of Israel’s central bank, has turned into a melodrama. Two of the appointed candidates for the job withdrew in a matter of days. The last candidate of prime ...


Japan: Vote Of Confidence For Abenomics

NEWSMAKERS By Thomas Clouse Stability may have finally returned to Japanese politics, now that the coalition led by Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe and his Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has won a majority of seats in the upper ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Risk Management: Cyber Risk Insurance

STAYING ON THE ATTACK By Paula Green Companies must beef up their cybersecurity coverage as the risk of disruption continues to skyrocket. Multinationals’ dependence on insurance to cover the risk of cyberattacks is expanding in line with ...


Salon: Robert Annibale, Citi

STRADDLING TWO WORLDS By Udayan Gupta Robert Annibale, global director of Citi Microfinance & Community Development, sat down with Global Finance to discuss the increasing importance of microfinance in banking’s global expansion. Microfinancing and microfinance institutions (MFIs) ...