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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Newsmakers: Global Finance Charity Partner Extends Healthcare Reach

India/Global By Dan Keeler Children at Manjushree line up for vaccinations While the financial world has been embroiled for the past two years in the global crisis, Global Finance’s charity partner, Amrit Davaa, has been making tremendous progress ...


Newsmakers: Volcker Chides Bankers For Resisting Reforms

United States/United Kingdom By Gordon Platt Volcker: Promoting a more conservative banking model The legendary Paul Volcker, the 6-feet, 7-inches tall former chairman of the Federal Reserve who slew the inflation dragon in the early 1980s, is not ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets: Company to Watch: Falabella/Chile

Retailer Aims To Cash In On Latin America’s Growth By GP With its network of department stores, home-improvement centers, supermarkets and consumer banks, Falabella is one of the leading diversified retailers in Latin America. It is teaming up ...


Cover Story: Global Finance EM 200

THE BIGGEST EMERGING MARKET BANKS Global Finance unveils its second annual league table of the biggest emerging market banks ranked by total assets. By Dan Keeler As the world’s key emerging markets continue to drive the ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Cover Story: A Long Way To Go

EMERGING MARKETS FOCUS: CENTRAL & EASTERN EUROPE For most Central and Eastern European countries, 2009 turned out to be every bit as bad as expected. The region’s prospects for the coming year are mixed, at best. By Justin ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Cover Story: Africa Leads The Way To A New Era

EMERGING MARKETS FOCUS: AFRICA Africa’s economic development will be fueled more by its relationships with other emerging markets than with historical partners in the West. By Anita Hawser For hundreds of years Africa has represented a ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Cover Story: Asia Prepares To Unleash Its Full Potential

EMERGING MARKETS FOCUS: ASIA Asia has confounded skeptics with its remarkable rebound, but its continued rapid growth will depend on some tough decisions. By Thomas Clouse Asia’s economic outlook was bleak this time last year. Despite ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Cover Story: Opportunity Knocks

Emerging Markets Focus: Latin America Much of Latin America is reaping the benefits of a rapid growth in China’s involvement in the region. Booming trade levels are changing some key global market dynamics. By Antonio Guerrero ...


Cover Story: Rising Oil Prices Boost Confidence

Emerging Markets Focus: Middle East The outlook for the Middle East’s economy has brightened substantially in recent months, but the reluctance of banks to lend remains worrisome. Bond issues are picking up some of the slack. By Gordon ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Crisis Prompts Creative Solutions

Crisis Prompts Creative Solutions Businesses are demanding more integration, efficiency and liquidity from their trade finance providers. The trade finance space will never be the same. By Denise Bedell The recent global financial crisis brought many changes ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets Come Of Age

EMERGING MARKETS FOCUS Emerging markets are leading global growth, and they are doing so by relying increasingly on domestic demand. By Gordon Platt The big question global investors and economists are asking about the sharp ...