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Award Winners

Best Investment Banks 2010: Deals of the Year

DEALS OF THE YEAR Equity Deal Lloyds Banking Group's $22.5 billion rights issue Lead underwriters: Bank of America Merrill Lynch, UBS Investment Bank, Citi, Goldman Sachs, HSBC and J.P. Morgan Cazenove In November 2009 UK-based Lloyds Banking Group's record ...

Award Winners

Best Investment Banks 2010: Global Winners

GLOBAL WINNERS Investment Bank J.P. Morgan J.P. Morgan is the best current example of a success story on Wall Street. With its fortress balance sheet and careful management of risk, the bank grew and remained profitable throughout the financial ...

Award Winners

Best Investment Banks 2010: Regional Winners

REGIONAL WINNERS North America Investment Bank J.P. Morgan J.P. Morgan reported net revenue from investment banking of $8.3 billion in the first quarter of 2010. The bank not only led in debt and equity underwriting worldwide, as well as ...

Award Winners

Best Investment Banks 2010: Sector Winners

SECTOR WINNERS Consumer Lazard Lazard was financial adviser on some of the biggest deals of 2009, including Kraft Foods' takeover of Cadbury, the British chocolate maker. This deal stands as a tribute to Bruce Wasserstein, the veteran dealmaker and ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Debt

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS — CORPORATE DEBT ISSUANCE EBBS IN VOLATILE MARKET By Gordon Platt Reverberations from the debt crisis in Greece rattled through the corporate debt market in early May, causing extremely volatile conditions that disrupted what ...


Corporate Social Responsibility

COVER STORY: CORE VALUES Companies at the cutting edge of corporate responsibility are weaving their citizenship efforts into the strategic heart of the business. By Dan Keeler In the decade or so since the phrase "corporate social ...

Country Report

Country Report: Canada

CANADIAN CORPORATES BENEFIT FROM EARLY RECOVERY With the US recovery still on shaky ground, Canada has seen growth spike, debt markets open wide for Canadian corporates and strong interest from foreign investors in both traditional debt and infrastructure project ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

E-Invoicing Finds Favor Again

TECHNOLOGY & TREASURY MANAGEMENT — E-INVOICING Companies are taking a second look at electronic invoicing as they begin to evaluate longer-term efficiency and cost reduction programs for the financial supply chain. By Denise Bedell With the treasury and ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Emerging and Frontier Markets

FACING UP TO THE CHALLENGE The fast-growing and dynamic economies of the emerging and frontier markets represent mouth-watering opportunities and daunting challenges for the world’s established multinationals. Only the best prepared will survive. By Amy E. Buttell ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets Roundup: India

Roundup By Aaron Chaze Desperate: India needs to spend $1 trillion on infrastructure The Indian government is planning to establish an $11 billion infrastructure debt fund with the objective of investing in the power sector and in roads ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets Roundup: China

Roundup By Thomas Clouse Expo frenzy: Shanghai expects 70 million visitors China's consumer prices rose by the greatest margin in 18 months in April, while property prices increased by the fastest rate since the country began publishing the ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets: Bringing Brazilian Ethanol to Global Markets

Investor: Company to Watch Cosan/Brazil By Gordon Platt Cosan, one of Brazil's largest producers of sugar and ethanol, plans to form a $12 billion joint venture with Shell International Petroleum, a unit of Royal Dutch Shell. The São ...