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Harbin Bank At Forefront Of Sino-Russian Financial Cooperation

Harbin Bank has emerged as the primary bank in China that is forging closer nancial relationships between the country and Russia, implementing several initiatives to strengthen business links between the two nations. Harbin Bank together with Sberbank, the largest state-owned ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Foreign Exchange Supplement 2015

As volatile currencies toy with the bottom lines of global companies, corporate treasurers are paying a lot more attention to foreign exchange.


FX Supplement 2015

As volatile currencies toy with the bottom lines of global companies, corporate treasurers are paying a lot more attention to foreign exchange.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Renminbi Gaining Currency

In the long run, a fully convertible renminbi will make things easier for global companies doing business in China. Shorter term, treasurers face hard choices.
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Fides: Addressing Pain Points for Multi-banked Corporates

Andreas Lutz, CEO, explains how Fides Treasury Services’ flexible, scalable multi-banking solutions help address critical pain points for its client, Payoneer — and why bank connectivity, onboarding and regulatory requirements continue to challenge multi-banked corporations.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Shareholder Activism Is Coming To A Boardroom Near You

Management | Corporate Boards Led by investors such as Carl Icahn, Bill Ackman and Jeff Smith, and targeting companies from DuPont to PepsiCo, campaigns by activist investors have become a common occurrence in the United States in the past few decades.