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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Turkey: EU Accession Process

WAITING IN THE WINGS Egemen Bagis, chief negotiator, says the country’s reform efforts will pay off and admits that Turkey has made some mistakes in the past. By Gordon Platt Turkey somberly marked the 50th anniversary in ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Turkey: Inward Investment

DYNAMIC GROWTH POTENTIAL Turkey’s leaders have been actively promoting inward investment—with resoundingsuccessful results. By Gordon Platt Turkey is rolling out the red carpet for foreign investors, hoping to capitalize on its considerable growth potential once the ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance: China Removes IPO Ban As Market Soars

Global Equity/DRs By Gordon Platt China opened the floodgates to new share offerings in June, releasing a torrent of initial public offerings to help soak up excess liquidityand cool an overheating stock market. The removal of the government’s ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance: Credit Spreads Return To Pre-crisis Levels

Corporate Debt By Gordon Platt The interest rate spreads on corporate bonds to US treasury securities narrowed in July to levels that existed before Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy protection in September 2008, as investors increased their risk-taking ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance: Worldwide M&a Activity Continues To Slide

MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS By Gordon Platt The statistics on global dealmaking activity show no signs of improvement, despite some recent easing of the credit crisis and widespread opportunities for investment in distressed sectors. The value of worldwide mergers ...


Newsmakers: Us Takes Aim At Trade Gap To Boost Employment

UNITED STATES/CHINA By Gordon Platt Kirk: Facing key decision on trade barriers US Trade Representative Ron Kirk hailed the World Trade Organization’s dispute panel’s ruling in August against China’s system of importing and distributing books, magazines, films, DVDs, ...


Features: Islamic Finance

REGIONAL REPORT: Gulf Cooperation Council Sukuk issuance is rebounding as investor confidence returns to the GCC region. By Gordon Platt...


Features: Looking Up In Dubai

REGIONAL REPORT: Gulf Cooperation Council The UAE economy is well on the road to recovery, one of its biggest boosters says. By Gordon Platt Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair, speaker of the house of the Federal National Council, ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Features: The Lure Of Foreign Shares

Banks have created 1,400 new unsponsored ADR programs to meet-and hopefully generate-growing demand, particularly from investors in separately managed accounts. By Gordon Platt The long drought in initial public offerings has slowed the pace of raising capital ...


Features: Waiting For The Dust To Settle

REGIONAL REPORT: Gulf Cooperation Council Financial services firms in the GCC region are poised to take advantage of an impending global recovery. By Gordon Platt The global economic and financial crisis arrived late in the six ...