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Middle East: Taking A Leading Role

THE MIDDLE EAST 2011: QATAR By Justin Keay Careful economic management and a strong strategic vision have helped propel Qatar to the front ranks of the world’s fastest-growing economies. Ten years ago, Qatar could have safely laid ...


Britains Big Gamble

FOCUS: UK RECOVERY STRATEGY By Justin Keay The UK government’s savage spending cuts and deep austerity measures have been touted as a model recovery strategy for stumbling Western economies. Faltering growth is raising questions over the strategy’s validity. ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Regional Report: The Caucasus

COMPETITION IN THE CAUCASUS: THREE'S COMPANY By Justin Keay Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia are competing to attract foreign investment. With much of Central and Eastern Europe still mired in a post recession slump, the Caucasian trio may ...


Southern Sudan: World’s Newest Nation

NEWSMAKERS: SOUTHERN SUDAN By Justin Keay Sudan, the largest country in Africa and the Arab World—and the tenth largest in the world—is about to get a good deal smaller. Bold move: Voters decide Southern Sudan's future Preliminary ...

Country Report

Country Report: Libya

LIBYA: OPENING UP By Justin Keay As its economy slowly becomes more open, Libya is attracting the attention of a wider range of potential investors than just adventurous oil companies. In the old days of the Soviet ...


Europe: Maintaining Focus On Development Aid

NEWSMAKERS: EUROPE By Justin Keay Piebalgs: Pressing Europeans to give more Spare a thought for Andris Piebalgs, the EU's development commissioner. At a time when politicians across Europe are telling people to tighten their belts during the toughest ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Azerbaijan: Investors Cheer Elections

MILESTONES: AZERBAIJAN By Justin Keay Baku: Enjoying the fruits of Azerbaijan's mineral wealth Azerbaijan's parliamentary elections in early November ended in controversy, with critics claiming the opposition parties were prevented from being able to properly challenge Yeni Azerbaijan, ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets Focus: CEE

COVER STORY: HARD TIMES By Justin Keay A sustainable recovery remains as elusive as ever for many of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Before the fall of the Berlin Wall and the demise of the ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Country Report Lebanon

REFORM CANDIDATE By Justin Keay Sharply rising capital inflows and a stable banking sector have helped Lebanon achieve impressive economic...

Country Report

Country Report: Lebanon

REFORM CANDIDATE By Justin Keay Sharply rising capital inflows and a stable banking sector have helped Lebanon achieve impressive economic growth. Maintaining it will require far-reaching reforms, though. Winston Churchill once famously described Russia as a riddle ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Features: Spotlight – EBRD

POST-CRISIS MANAGEMENT The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has found new relevance—and a key role—in the aftermath of the financial crisis. By Justin Keay Aside maybe from Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan, few banks have emerged ...


The Price Of Stability

COVER STORY: FINANCIAL REGULATION By Justin Keay Businesses can expect to see their top-line costs rise under new banking regulations in the US and Europe. Will it be money well spent? If in pre-credit-crunch days policymakers uttered ...