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Country Report

Country Report: Lebanon

AGAINST ALL ODDS   By Justin Keay   Mid-20th-century tourists flocked to Lebanon, the Switzerland of the East. War and instability long ago changed that. Now, with the Syrian conflict spilling over its borders, the country faces yet another round ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Turkey: Still An Investment Darling

TURKISH DELIGHT   By Justin Keay   Turkey's economy is one of the few in Europe experiencing positive growth, but as the pace of economic reform slows and a rising current-account deficit looms, pundits are beginning to ask, has complacency ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Sector Report: Agribusiness Take Off

A BUMPER YIELD   By Justin Keay   Agribusiness is increasingly being viewed as a dynamic area to invest in. But as global demand for food supplies and land increases, can banks, often criticized for their short-term outlook, meet the ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Looking Back, Moving Forward: Compliance & Regulation

WHO'S REGULATING THE REGULATORS?   By Justin Keay   Regulation tends to be reactionary: Regulators get in on the game after events have already happened. The jury is still out on the effectiveness of a lot of the regulation introduced in the ...


Looking Back, Moving Forward: Macroeconomics

THE HUMAN FACTOR IN ECONOMIC THEORY   By Justin Keay   Traditional economic theory has been challenged by recent market events in global financial markets, and that challenge has given rise to a new generation of economic soothsayers who are looking ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Top 25 Lists: 25 Companies to Watch In The Next 25 Years

SUCCESSORS   By Justin Keay   Who would have predicted back in 1987 that Apple would today be one of the world's most dynamic and innovative companies? And Google, which emerged from nowhere back in 1998 but now dominates much more ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Words Of Wisdom: Mark Mobius, Templeton Emerging Markets Group

WILD RIDE   By Justin Keay   Mark Mobius, executive chairman of Templeton Emerging Markets Group, launched the first Templeton Emerging Markets Fund 25 years ago. In May, Templeton Emerging Markets Group launched its latest emerging markets fund, the Templeton Africa ...


GCC Regional Report: New Shopping List

NEW SHOPPING LIST By Justin Keay GCC sovereign wealth funds and banks are still selectively buying low-value assets in Europe, but higher-growth markets are increasingly on their radar. When the global financial crisis first hit back in ...

Country Report

Country Report: Russia

BATTLING THE STATUS QUO By Justin Keay Although the government has pledged to improve the business clime, foreign investors remain skeptical that much-needed reform will happen—at least in the short term. Russia is in a state of ...