Award Winners
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Asia-Pacific: Getting Up To Speed
The treasury function in Asia-Pacific is being transformed.
Award Winners
Best Treasury and Cash Management Providers 2019: Real-Time Treasury Within Sight
The regulatory and technological stars have aligned for the benefit of all as the move to real-time treasury operations promises to deliver unparalleled efficiencies and insights that banks and treasurers once only dreamt of.
Award Winners
Central And Eastern Europe: Delivering Consistency
Banks and fintechs want to make treasurers’ lives a lot simper.
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Latin America: Driving Instant Payments
Real-time means better predictability for treasurers.
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Middle East: Going Digital
New technologies can help treasurers solve challenges they face in accurately forecasting their future cash and liquidity needs.
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Nordics: Big On Ambition
Banks in the Nordics have a bold vision to establish an integrated regional payments network, and to open up access to information so companies can better manage their cash and liquidity.
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North America: Riding Faster Payment Rails
North American treasurers are adapting to the rapid pace of technological change, as new real-time payment systems and greater digitization and centralization of treasury operations take hold.
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Western Europe: The Treasury Of Tomorrow
European treasurers must decide what they want their future treasury operations to look like.
Award Winners
World’s Best Supply Chain Finance Providers 2019: Fintech Fruits Ripen
From new technologies come practical financial applications, which are transforming supply chains—and putting pressure on banks.
World’s Best Trade Finance Providers 2019: Getting The Paper Out
Digitization is revolutionizing age-old processes at trade finance banks.
Award Winners
Best Corporate Foreign Exchange Awards 2019: Riding The Volatility Wave
Global Finance honors the companies that set the standard for FX hedging across regions and industries.