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Banks under fire

Tomorrow’s Battleground For Banks Banks and regulators worldwide are starting the new decade at loggerheads, but signs are slowly beginning to emerge that point to the future shape of regulation. By Nick Kochan Banks are on the ...


Cover Story: When Two World’s Collide

ISLAMIC FINANCING Islamic finance is set to become one of the defining phenomena of the coming decade. Some are concerned, though, that the surge of growth may compromise the strict principles on which it is founded. By ...


Newsmakers: Volcker Chides Bankers For Resisting Reforms

United States/United Kingdom By Gordon Platt Volcker: Promoting a more conservative banking model The legendary Paul Volcker, the 6-feet, 7-inches tall former chairman of the Federal Reserve who slew the inflation dragon in the early 1980s, is not ...


Cover Story: Global Finance EM 200

THE BIGGEST EMERGING MARKET BANKS Global Finance unveils its second annual league table of the biggest emerging market banks ranked by total assets. By Dan Keeler As the world’s key emerging markets continue to drive the ...


Cover Story: Rising Oil Prices Boost Confidence

Emerging Markets Focus: Middle East The outlook for the Middle East’s economy has brightened substantially in recent months, but the reluctance of banks to lend remains worrisome. Bond issues are picking up some of the slack. By Gordon ...


Milestones: Turkey Enjoys Growing Profile In Arab World

Lebanon/Syria/Turkey By Nick Kochan Yilmaz: Turkish banks were ready for leverage crisis The evolution of Turkey’s role in the Middle East and beyond was clearly on display at a late-October risk management conference in Beirut. The guest speaker ...

Award Winners

World’s Best Internet Banks Part II

BANKS DEVELOP SOCIAL SKILLS In the second of a two-part series, Global Finance identifies the best global and regional Internet banks. By Adam Rombel Not many of the headlines about the global banking industry in the ...

Award Winners


Global Finance names the World’s Best Internet Banks for 2009 at Awards Dinner in New York. NEW YORK, November 5,...
Location: IMF Annual Meetings

Award Ceremonies and Events

Features: Awards Ceremony: World’s Best Banks 2009

Location: IMF Annual Meetings, Istanbul WORLD’S BEST BANKS 2009 Global Finance’s 13th annual Best Banks awards ceremony was held in early October in Istanbul, as the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank were ...