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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

M&A: M&A Funding – Not All Cash

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS By Denise Bedell While much has been said about the hoards of cash that companies are holding on their balance sheets, companies are likely to use a blend of financing options, ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Debt: Bond Sell-Off Spares High-Yield

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: CORPORATE DEBT By Gordon Platt The high-yield corporate debt market was unscathed by the dramatic sell-off in the US treasuries market in early December that followed news of President Obama's deal with congressional Republicans to ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Demand For Hedging Surges

FOCUS: COMMODITY RISK By Michael Shari Renewed turmoil in Europe, supply shortages and the growing impact of financial investors are driving renewed demand for commodities hedging. For most of 2010, producers and consumers of many commodities had ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

DRs: BRIC Countries To Lead DRs in 2011

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS — GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS: CORPORATE FINANCE FOCUS By Gordon Platt Coming off the bailout of Ireland, and with several other European countries denying they need outside help, the outlook for the financial markets in 2011 is ...


Fear Factor

COVER STORY: THE NEW RISKS By Laurence Neville Last year the global economy dodged some scary-looking bullets. This year it might not be so lucky. As volatile and unnerving as it was, 2010 provided a welcome respite ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

FX: Dollar Recovers As US Yields Rise

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: FOREIGN EXCHANGE By Gordon Platt The tax deal reached between President Obama and the opposition Republican Party...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

M&A: Deal Activity To Pick Up In 2011

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS By Gordon Platt There will be a substantial increase in mergers and acquisitions in 2011, following a relatively flat year for M&A; in 2010, as companies have plenty of cash to spend ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

US/China: WTO Tire Ruling Stirs Trade-War Fears

MILESTONES: UNITED STATES/CHINA By Gordon Platt Tired: Trade spat rolls on The fallout from the World Trade Organization's ruling last month that the US was within its rights in imposing import tariffs of up to 35% on Chinese ...

Award Winners

World’s Best FX Providers 2011

ANNUAL SURVEY: UNCERTAINTY BREEDS CURRENCY VOLATILITY By Gordon Platt Global Finance selects the leaders in the world's biggest financial market, where trading averages $4 trillion a day. Europe's sovereign debt crisis, China's monetary tightening and the Federal ...